About Dr. Chen

My Story

About Grace Chen, Ph.D, LMFT

Hi, Welcome to my site. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I received my Master’s Degree in Counseling and Human Services from Syracuse University in 1996 and my Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Michigan State University in 2008.

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

Since 1996, my work has primarily focused on assisting individuals and couples in working through their old unfit patterns, healing from traumatic experiences, and transforming one and couple relationships into a new life. I started my journey to become a therapist when I was a college student volunteering at a Life Line Association.

Then, I studied to become an individual therapist to work with clients in the community in my master’s program. I developed an interest in working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse during this period. After receiving my Master’s Degree in 1996, I went back to Taiwan. I had opportunities to work with adult survivors of childhood abuse and intimate partner violence clients for a few years. During that time, I was trained extensively in Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama, and Object-Relation Theory.

Working with survivors of trauma opened my interest in the issues of family dynamics. The clients’ strengths inspired me in their recovery. But, more importantly, I would like to help them stop the cycles of abuse in their families of creation. Therefore, I decided to pursue my Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy to understand better the family dynamics and their impact on the individuals.

What makes me come alive is the moment when you and I transform your unfulfilled feeling into inspired and satisfied life!

I gained the knowledge of treating clients from a systemic perspective (everyone in the system interacts and influences each other) instead of a linear perspective (A cause B) while integrating my work experiences with individual clients during my doctoral training. After graduating from Michigan State University in 2008, I taught in a Marriage and Family Therapy graduate program for a couple of years.

Then, I decided that working in the clinical setting suits me better. I was very fortunate to receive the offer as a Marriage and Family Therapist at the Lowell Vet Center to work with Combat Veterans and their families and Military Sexual Trauma Survivors.

Working with veterans broadens my clinical expertise to work with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Anxiety, and Complex Trauma from a systemic perspective. As a result, I launched a series of training for myself.

In 2015, I started training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), an evidence-based treatment for PTDS and Complex Trauma. I received my certification in 2019 and continued to seek consultation and training regularly. In 2022, I started my EMDR Consultant-in-Training process and received my Approved Consultant status from the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA) in 2024. 

Recognizing the impact of trauma on attachment injuries and interpersonal relationship difficulties, I started the Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) training in 2020 and am currently a level 3 clinician.

My clinical interests have also extended to supervision and consultation in recent years.

As I reflect on my professional development, I deeply appreciate the clients and couples I have worked with for over 20 years. They allowed me to walk every step of their changes with them and witness their beautiful transformation. They allowed me to see that Human beings strive to be better and work towards their optimist potential.

The repeated old patterns that we want to break through used to be survival strategies. Therapy is a conscious examination of the benefits of old habits and updating these patterns into positive forces to help human beings reach their potential.

I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to be a part of your transformation journey!


PhD, 2008, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Major: Family and Child Ecology, Marriage and Family Therapy Specialization
Dissertation: Influence of Early Attachment on Couple Relationship for Child Sexual Abuse Survivors and Their Partners

MS, 1996, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Major: Counselor Education


Massachusetts LMFT 1447

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Training (AEDP)

(All trainings were received via AEDP Institute.)

2020, AEDP Immersion (by Jennifer Edlin, MFT and Karen Kranz, PhD, R Psych), 30.5 hours 

2021, AEDP Essential Skills (ES1) (by Ben Medley, LCSW and Jerry Lamagna, LCSW), 65 hours.

2022, Advanced Skills Modular: Memory Reconsolidation at Work Across States in AEDP: Portrayals and Metaprocessing (with Ron Frederick, PhD), 13 hours

2022, AEDP’s Magnificent ‘9+1’ Affective Change Processes (with Diana Fosha), 17 hours

2022, Befriending AEDP’s Triangles (with Karen Pando-Mars, MFT), 13 hours

2022, Navigating AEDP’s Experiential-Attachment Work in the Context of Trauma, Dissociation and Multiplicity (with Kari Gleiser, PhD), 13 hours

2022, Fine-tuning AEDP Experiential Interventions in interpersonal and Intrapsychic Contexts (with Benjamin Lipton, MSW, LCSW, ACWS), 13.5 hours

2021-2022 AEDP Complex Trauma Group Supervision with Kari Gleiser, PhD. 27.5 hours


EMDR Training

2015-2016, Basic Training via EMDR Institute
2016-2019, EMDRIA EMDR Certified: via Barry Litt LMFT
2023-2024, EMDR Approved Consultant: Consultant-in-Training Program via Trauma Therapist Institute (Formerly Kase & Co)

EMDR Advanced Training

2016, Serving Those Who Served: Community-Based EMDR Therapy with Military Veterans by Theodore Olejnik, LICSW via The Western Massachusetts EMDRIA Regional Network.
2017, Dissociation of the Personality and the EMDR Treatment of Chronic Traumatization with Onno va der Hart & Denise Melina’s, via EMDR Advanced Training and Distant Learning
2018, The EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) via EMDR advanced Training & Distance Learning. 
2019, From Eye to I: Transforming Attachment and Identity in EMDR Therapy with Barry Litt, LMFT
2019, The Marriage of EMDR and Ego State Theory in Couples Therapy with Barry Litt, LMFT.
2020, Flash Technique and Advanced Flash Technique with Dr. Phil Mansfield. 
2021 The Dance of Attachment: An Advanced EMDR Clinical Course with Deany Laliotis, LICSW via The Center for Excellence in EMDR Therapy.  
2021, Healing Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse with Robin Shapiro via EMDR Advanced Training and Distant Learning
2022, EMDR and treatment of Pain with Mark Grant via EMDR Advanced Training and Distant Learning. 
2023, Easy Ego State Interventions with Robin Shapiro. 
2024, EMDR for Addiction by Cassie Krajewski, LCSW via Kase & Co. 
2024, Best Practice in EMDR Consultation by Lori Kucharski, PhD, LMFT-S, LPC-S, CEDS-C
2024, EMDR Group Traumatic Episode Protocol (G-TEP)via Bill Brislin, NCC, LMHC., via Connection EMDR.
2024, EMDR Therapy Protocols for Early Intervention & Ongoing Traumatic Stress via Scalingup EMDR.
2024, EMDR 2.0 with Suzy Matthijssen, Ph.D. and Ad de Jongh, Ph.D via EMDR Advanced Training and Distant Learning.  

Contact Dr. Chen

Get In Touch

Are you ready to take action? The easiest way to contact me is to fill out the following information and send it to me.


12 Essex St. STE 8, Andover, MA

