COVID- 19 Week 3 (3/30 to 4/3) Journal


week 3Moving into the 3rd week (3/30 to 4/3), I finally feel that I have a handle of my schedule and my routine.

I feel some sort of anxiety to adjust to my new schedule. I can feel myself holding the breath every Tuesday and Friday, at the end of the night. I found myself holding breath while cleaning the office from top to bottom, making the mental notes to be sure I can find a systemic way to clean so that I don’t miss out cleaning any spot in the office.

I also continue to hold my breath, got home, jump into the shower with the hottest water I can tolerate, and clean myself, then, dumped all the clothes into the washer.

I wondered if this is also how my clients who are first respondents and nurses felt like in their daily life?

I also start to see some patterns in my clients’ reactions to this pandemic. Some people seemed to be nonchalant about the situation while others were crumbling under the stress. This is where I was at the beginning of last week. It’s worth documenting these patterns so that I can have a better handle for those clients who might come in later. 

How have you been coping with the stress? Check out my article of the stress reactions I have observed from myself, my friends, and my clients.

Stress Reaction — Stress Eating

Stress Reaction- Overthinking

(Finally, the documentation of these reactions is in the article now. Please check out Crisis—- A Dangerous Opportunity)


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I am Dr. Grace Chen, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.