New Year, New Boundary (Part 2)

You don’t have to give up your virtue or your value. However, you need to gain the ability to protect your boundary. I am asking you to define your boundary so that people can respect how you want to be treated.

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New Year, New Boundary (Part I)

Most of my clients’ suffering is not because they are bad people who did bad things 24-7. Most of the people are good people and doing what they believe is right on a daily basis. However, this is often their source of unhappiness.

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[Myth about Sexual Abuse # 1]–“What Does A Perpetrator Look Like?”

The main point I want to make is this: There are many victims out there, including the friends or family sitting next to you right now, and you don’t know about their stories because they never said anything about it.

If there are so many victims out there, how many perpetrators do you think are out there? The answer is probably the same: the perpetrators look like just a regular and nice guy sitting next to you, and they will never tell you: “I am a perpetrator.”

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Divorce, Co-Parenting, and Mental Health

It is essential to know the symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. When your experiences/emotions go beyond your can manage, seek help. Your feelings might be situational due to divorce. However, if you don’t take action to take care of your mental health, it might turn into chronic issues that will, in turn, cause your personal and your children’s wellbeing.

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[Depression & Anxiety] Just One More Step

Do you have the same experience, hearing your “Be perfect Self” beating you down? After a while, this part of you will start to eat your true self away, and the “Giving Up Self” takes away your identity. Then, it leads to depressive mood because “I can’t get anything done!” It also leads to anxiety because “I am not sure if I can do it.”

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Gender Schema Theory, Gender Role Expectation and Couple’s Relationship (Part I)

The Gender Schema Theory proposed that there is a specific cognitive structure with attributes that we associate with male or female, such as behaviors, appearance, etc..These attributes associated with gender is also associated with our biological sex. An individual is “gendered” to his/her gender role through learning these gender-specific expectations, values, belief, and behaviors through the members of the society, such as the family, the church, the media, etc.

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I am Dr. Grace Chen, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.